Sandro Rosa

1. In June 2000 Sandro Rosa….(explain what he did)
In June 2000, Sandro Rosa do Nascimento boarded a public bus, intending to rob the passengers. However, the incident developed into a hostage situation, which was broadcast live by most Brazilian national television channels.

2. What Sandro did was wrong, but he was driven to do this because…(what happened in his life). 
According to Sandro's relatives, he witnessed the murder of his mother. Shortly after the incident, Sandro ran away from his home to vagabond on the streets.
At one point, Sandro resided in the area of Candelaria, a historical church in Rio de Janeiro, where he witnessed the Candelaria church massacre, on July 23, 1993. Brazilian policemen killed eight adolescents and injured several others. Sndro was unharmed, and cited the event during his hostage situation.

3. Sandro should have...

  • Not stopped in front of a media center, unwanted attention.
  • Find help.
  • Try turning to the police


  1. I can see you have a basic understanding of both the social and economic factors that contributed to this incident. You have included appropriate images to enhance your post, and written clearly. To get a higher grade you could have included a lot more depth in your first answer about the events that unfolded that day, undertaken your own research to enhance the information you have, and expanded your final answer exploring the other options Sandro could have taken. 4/8 Criteria D.


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