Lighting design Lighting is not set design! Lighting is important cause people need to see characters. Different colors indicate different atmospheres or time of day. Illumination: The simple ability to see what is occurring on stage. Any lighting will be ineffective if the characters aren’t seen, unless this is the intent. Focus: Directing the audience’s attention to an area of stage or distracting them from another. Mood: Setting the tone of the scene. Harsh red light has a different connotation than a soft lavender light. Backlit: creates a shadow over the characters, sinister looking. Location and time of day: establishing or altering position in time and space. Blues can suggest night time, whilst orange can show sunsets. Use of hobos to project sky scene, moon. Projection: lighting may be used to project scenery or to act as scenery on stage. Composition: lighting may be used to show only the areas of the stage which the designer wants the audience to see, a...